tummy tuck talk

If you are here it’s likely because you want all the nitty gritty on all things tummy. So without further ado… Yes! In less than 3 short weeks I am finally getting my tummy tuck and my nerves are all over the place. This is something I have considered doing for years and it’s so surreal to know that after so much research, back and forth, and doubt, it’s just around the corner and I can’t hardly believe it.

As you can imagine, my tummy has stretched in ways I never thought possible and it’s truly a miracle that my frame was able to accommodate five perfect little babies to house, nourish, and grow as long as it did. I will never take that for granted and I will always feel empowered and humbled by this experience. In saying that though, the aftermath of a quad pregnancy can be significant and for me it was severe. I am now left with something called diastasis recti and my abdominal muscles have separated far beyond “the norm.” If you are curious about what this condition looks like and how to diagnose it yourself at home, I personally found this link to be very helpful. I’ve even tried countless ab rehabs and do believe Nancy Anderson’s course has helped considerably, but I still have a lot of healing left to do and am confident surgery is the best next step for me.

In addition to the diastasis, I have a hernia that needs repairing and a ton of excess skin that no amount of exercise will ever touch. I feel like it’s important to note that I’m not typically one to encourage plastic surgery and certainly do not want to send the message out that this is something anyone needs. I’m also not undergoing elective surgery because I hate my body. If anything, I’m doing it because I LOVE my body and feel it deserves to be put back together and function the way it was intended. One does not have to negate the other and it doesn’t have to be an all or nothing approach. I believe you can be BOTH grateful and adoring of your body while also wanting it to feel like yours again. The chronic back pain. The humiliating “when are you due?” comments made in public. The bulge that makes it impossible to find clothing I’m comfortable in. Truthfully I’ve just had enough and I’m ready to move on and begin my healing. I’m ready to gain my strength and confidence back. And I’m ready to feel like me.

For anyone in the same boat, I get it and I see you. I’ll be updating my instagram with more information, progress, and etc. so stay tuned and feel free to ask me anything. As always, thank you for your continued support and prayers.



quadruplet c-section recovery