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January 28, 2019. I was 5 weeks and 3 days pregnant after my third cycle of follistim and timed intercourse and so anxious for our first ultrasound. This was the first pregnancy in a long time that even made it to this point and I was cautiously optimistic but expecting the worst…
I’ve been where you are. I know how it feels to wonder if there will be a heartbeat this time. I know how it feels to learn that there’s not.
Fall in love. Get married. Have a couple of kids. Isn’t that how it goes? For a large majority of women, sure, but for 1 in 8 couples that just isn’t the case, and I know because I am part of that population. We were blessed with our oldest, Carson, without struggle or treatments, which is why we naively assumed expanding our family beyond him would be just as easy…