Hay Fam FAQ

Q: How long have you guys been married?

A: Approaching 5 years this June!


Q: Where is Syman from?

A: Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia

Q: Where do you live now?

A: New Jersey

Q: How did you two meet?

A: You can read our story here or watch it here.

Q: How many kids did you want?

A: Syman: 2, Lindsay: 3 — And we ended up with 5!


Q: What is the age gap between Carson and the quads?

A: 3.5 years and I love it. I was hyper focused on having a close age gap and this worked out perfectly. I’ll share more on this soon!


Q: How did you decide on your kids’ names?

A: We actually agreed on all of our kids’ names fairly quickly and easily. It’s totally coincidental that most of them end in “son.”

Carson John: I am the oldest of 4 in family and was a built in chauffeur for my younger siblings. One day I picked up my brother and his friend for football practice and he introduced himself as Carson. It stuck with me and I said if I ever had a son, his name would be Carson. Sure enough, Carson it was. John is his middle name which is my dad’s first, and both Syman’s and one of my brothers’ middle names. 

Caiden Michael: I envisioned having two boys back to back, and loved the way Carson and Caiden sounded. Caiden means little warrior, and being that our Caiden was baby A and all the way at the bottom of his siblings in my belly, he truly is a little warrior. Michael is after one of my brothers. 

Madison Grace: Our baby girl was the hardest to name. I was always set on her middle name being Grace, since that is something I needed during all of our infertility. Plus it’s pretty and feminine and I was just always drawn to it. At one point we considered Grace — Gracie girl — as her first name, but obviously decided to keep it for a middle instead. Then the idea of Harper came about. Harper Hay had a cute ring to it, but I just couldn’t commit. Almost at the last minute, I heard Madison and ran it by Syman. He instantly loved it. On the day we started infertility treatments for the cycle that finally worked, we were actually at Madison Square Garden celebrating Carson’s 3rd birthday, and when I thought about that detail, that’s what really sold me. Madison Grace, or as we call her now, Madi-girl truly is the perfect name for our princess. 

Lucas William: Syman and I both liked the name Lucas. It felt strong and masculine and we just agreed on it quickly. During pregnancy, baby C was always energetic and kicking the most, so we knew early on that he’d be our Lucas, now called Lukey thanks to Carson. Lucas also means giver of light and he is for sure full of light and energy now! William is after Syman’s grandfather, whose middle name was also William.

Grayson James: Syman mentioned Grayson to me one day and it sounded strong and fitting. Grayson was baby D in my belly and sat on top of all of his siblings, and it just felt right that he’d be our Grayson. His middle name is in our family and just sort of flows! 

Q: Do you want more kids?

A: Hard no. I’m lol’ing as I type this. We have truly gotten more than we ever dreamt of and are a very complete family of 7.

Q: Did you ever find out why you were miscarrying?

A: Yes, I was diagnosed with having high FSH which was indicative of an egg quality problem. I go into more of this in detail here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLixm4iCNUM&t=1s.

Q: What treatments did you try?

A: Follistim, which is an injectable hormone, and timed intercourse. We were to try this 6x as per our insurance mandate before moving on to IVF. The quads were conceived on cycle 3 of this treatment. I go into more of this in detail here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2t59IDmYho&t=1388s

Q: Are the boys identical?

A: No! They are fraternal quadruplets and it is very easy for us to tell the boys apart. Caiden is the smallest, his eyes are a deep blue, and his hair is a little darker than the others. Lucas has the fairest skin, blondest hair and bluest eyes. Grayson is the biggest, has olive skin, and his eyes are hazel. Once you get to know them no one has any trouble knowing who is who. They all resemble each other but are so very unique and different in their own way.

Q: What do you do for work?

A: Syman is in sales for now, and Lindsay is a teacher turned stay at home mom. We both make extra for our family through social media which has been a huge blessing. Your support means the world to us!


My Why Behind The Blog

