My Why Behind The Blog


Fall in love. Get married. Have a couple of kids. Isn’t that how it goes? For a large majority of women, sure, but for 1 in 8 couples that just isn’t the case, and I know because I am part of that population. We were blessed with our oldest, Carson, without struggle or treatments, which is why we naively assumed expanding our family beyond him would be just as easy. When we were ready for baby #2, we got pregnant easily, but I knew in my core that something wasn’t right. I will never forget the 3 of us watching the episode of Daniel Tiger where he becomes a big brother and innocently talking about what we should name the baby in mommy’s belly. I stood up to grab a snack and immediately knew there would be no more talk of baby names. The pregnancy was over. I was shattered. And much to my shock and dismay, this went on to happen four more times. ( I felt pretty alone during the entire process. I felt like few people understood me, I felt shame, and I felt sad. It was truly the darkest time of my life and I would cling to others online who came out on the other side for hope and inspiration to keep going. I knew that should I be so lucky to get my happily ever after, I would do my best to serve as that same source of hope for others one day. So for anyone who needs to hear it, here I am now, sharing our story, giving you permission to feel your feelings, and reminding you that you are not alone. I am so grateful for the opportunity to share my voice and heart with you all, and my hope is that you leave this space with joy, inspiration, and courage to just keep going because you really can get everything you’ve ever dreamt of… And maybe even then some. Here you will get to follow along our journey and see how we navigate life with 5 kids under 5. We want to show the world that having so many children is not a burden, but such an abundant blessing and that you, too, can have the life you want. We are so glad you are here!


A Letter to the Mom Dreading her Ultrasound


Hay Fam FAQ