My Why Behind The Blog
Infertility, Motherhood Lindsay Hay Infertility, Motherhood Lindsay Hay

My Why Behind The Blog

Fall in love. Get married. Have a couple of kids. Isn’t that how it goes? For a large majority of women, sure, but for 1 in 8 couples that just isn’t the case, and I know because I am part of that population. We were blessed with our oldest, Carson, without struggle or treatments, which is why we naively assumed expanding our family beyond him would be just as easy…

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Life and Love TYM Life and Love TYM


Flashback to 2013. I was juggling graduate school, my dream teaching job, my first apartment, and a bad breakup. A couple of my girlfriends decided to come visit and lift my spirits, and we made the last minute decision to grab tickets to see a Giants vs. Eagles NFL game…

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